You don’t need to be Mensa qualified to understand the importance of background checks for bringing on board new hires, especially in some industries. The Liars Index, a report compiled by Jude M. Wern & Associates, reported that nearly 21 percent of resumes had false education claims for the period of the first half of 2012. But that doesn’t mean that the need for this type of hiring strategy is widely needed across the board. These are some industries that may or may not be immediately obvious that definitely should have pre-employment background screening for all employees.
The Education Industry
In this day and age, anyone who is dealing with children is a prime candidate for a thorough background check. Most schools today don’t limit this to the people who have direct access and responsibility for the children, but also for every substitute teacher, parent volunteer, custodian, bus driver, and teacher’s aide.
Background checks for people in the education industry aren’t limited to criminal histories alone. Most states require certain certifications in order to teach or work in certain capacities within the schools. Background checks also serve to verify that the person in question is who he or she claims to be and that he or she also has the required certifications and endorsements.
The Financial Services Industry
Whether or not your employees handle money directly, it should go without saying that if you have employees working in a financial setting, it’s vital to obtain screen them with a background check before hiring. Credit unions, banks, accounting firms, mortgage brokerages, investment companies, and tax preparation firms are all examples of types of companies in the financial arena that need this extra screening criteria.
The Gaming Industry
This is an industry that has a reputation of less than savory practices. That’s one reason that current rules and regulations concerning gaming establishments are so stringent. Most gaming industry businesses are governed by some authority of the state.
It’s the state that makes most of the rules about the types of background checks that are required of employees in which positions. Security staff, surveillance staff members, casino bank managers (sometimes referred to as cage managers), and high ranking members of the casino hierarchy, those who have direct access to cash, are required to go through varying degrees of pre-employment background screening. There’s too much money that goes into and out of a casino each and every day to place people with poor money management, criminal histories—especially with crimes involving money, and other background check red flags in positions of responsibility when it comes to money.
The Hospitality Industry
Do you run a bed and breakfast, quaint inn, or small motel? If so, you most likely have housekeepers that are armed with key to gain access to guess rooms — and it would be more than appropriate to conduct a background check on these and other hospitality employees, such as the bellhop.
The Caregivers Industry
This is an industry where background checks tend to be a little wider reaching than some of the others. Caregiver screenings should cover criminal background screenings for abusive behavior in the past, sex offender registration, drug screenings, and financial screenings. Depending on the specific caregiving role you’re hiring for, there may also be the need for additional screening to verify certifications and/or education.
Caregivers not only have access to patients, their possessions (in some cases), and their families; some caregivers also have access to the, sometimes; powerful medications they are required to dispense in their roles are care providers.
While these industries may seem so large, and there are plenty of small businesses within each of them — and it’s often the small businesses that struggle most when it comes to employees who are either innocently dishonest on their employee applications or tell blatant lies in the interview process. Besides conducting employee background checks, another option to consider is purchasing employee dishonesty insurance coverage to help defray any costs to you that occur as a result of hiring this particular candidate.