Three years ago, Muneeb Akhter and his twin brother Sohaib, then 19 years old, were featured in the Washington Post in a story headlined “George Mason’s youngest grads.”
They had graduated from George Mason University, in Washington, DC, with degrees in electrical engineering – “arguably the school’s toughest program”, the Post noted – after three years.
They reportedly liked to invent robots.
“I think we’ll be hearing more about these guys”, the Post’s Tom Jackman wrote.
Yes, indeed, starting now.
Muneeb Akhter is under investigation after admitting that he inflated the value of gift cards for companies including K-Mart, Shell Gas, Whole Foods, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, all without spending any money to do it.
He admitted, in a sworn, signed statement referenced by the Department of Homeland Security in an affidavit, that he had illegally accessed the companies’ e-commerce sites to pump up the cards.
From the affidavit, via NBC Washington:
Subject admitted to creating computer codes on his personal notebook computer to gain unlawful access to multiple e-commerce sites, including Shell Gas, Whole Foods, [K-Mart], Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. Akhter has used his codes to trick the e-commerce systems into adding funds to gifts cards he has possession of without actually expending any money to do so. He admitted to using his program to add funds to other individuals’ gift cards without the need to actually expend funds.
Akhter said he loaded a Sears card with at least $500, a K-Mart card with $495, a Whole Foods card with $300 and a Starbucks card with $100.
Akhter reportedly landed a cyber security job last month and began work in late June.
At his new job, he couldn’t resist boasting to a colleague about the code he’d cooked up that enabled him to take an ordinary $25 pre-paid gift card and add value to it.
NBC quotes him:
I told my co-worker I used to own my own company and we were doing attacks against smart cards, gift cards and those things. I had a few gift cards with me and I showed him the gift cards and said ‘I know how to reload them for free.’
Well, helloooooo, Homeland Security agents!
Akhter’s co-worker went straight to his manager to tell him about the new hire’s skills – credentials that he apparently had neglected to put on his resume.
A Homeland Security agent questioned him. His badge and parking pass were quickly revoked, but the agent initially told him he was being considered for a higher position.
He said the agent told him:
We’re interested in your skill set. We need you for this high level position but I need to know exactly what you did.
Homeland Security and Secret Service agents paid a visit to Akhter at his home, again asking about his code.
He was, in fact, oblivious to the fact that he was under investigation until 24 July, when a team of 11 agents ransacked his house, seizing computers, phones and other electronics.